Instead of “trying so hard to lose weight”, have a try at “gaining Health & Happiness”

Yep, my story from chubby little kid to all out fat and unhealthy adult, has been told over and over again by so many people! It almost becomes redundant to anyone who might show an interest to hear... See, I have been on every single diet plan their is, and trust me, there is A LOT of them!! With Plexus, I studied the products, met the creators of the supplements, met the people that have received life changing results for the better and are living wonderful healthy & happy lives!! I wanted that for me as well! With the help of my amazing wife, I took the bat and swung for the fences 3 years ago...Here is my “At Bat” so far...

My story has not been pretty throughout my adult years. Yes, even though I was graced with an "inner-awesomeness", my body always had other intentions of growing to epic proportions.

I decided the "time is now" when I was struggling so much and had reached an all time high of 387 pounds. I knew that I was not only in dire need of some weight loss help, but that I had to make a "change" before this obesity disease took my life.

What started out as a “want to lose weight” really became a reason to get and remain healthy...I mean, come on, I’m a big fella and I have no intention of becoming a 180 pound “Average Dude” it’s not in me to be average...What I HAVE done over the course of the past 3 years is become healthier and happier without all of the “prescribed” drugs that the doctors thought I needed to stay alive... At 52, in addition to my Plexus Supplements, I take a “non prescribed” 81mg baby aspirin...That’s it!! Nothing more...So, not only am I no longer hinged in taking my Blood Pressure meds and all those other “prescribed” synthetic drugs my doc assumed I needed, I am living the life of a fella half my age!! My day resolves around healthy eating, good choices and Plexus Supplements!! Oh yea, about that “Average Dude look” well, I have been able to safely remove over 70 pounds off of this frame of a body...that has certainly upped the “Outer-Awesomeness to help rival the Inner-Awesomeness that I was born with!!

Was Health & Happiness the only reason I Plexus? It would be amiss if I said yes...I am also using this amazing supplement company as a stepping stone of assisting and investing in the future for my three sons....You see, with Plexus, your hard work and determination will be parlayed as you build your residual income for the future through your rankings in the company....Once jewel status is obtained, that future is transferable to your children, allowing them to continue in the legacy!! I’m certain, as great as I feel at 52, that eventually God will call me home...I feel at peace knowing that the future my wife and I are building right now will help my boys live a much better life for them and their families...Potentially for generations to come!!