Hannah shares her experience with Triplex Microbiome while pregnant and breastfeeding her second child.  It was definately a different experience than when she was not on supplements with her first child.

"Where are ALL my nursing mamas at?!

I often get asked if Plexus is safe for new and nursing mamas. 

Yessss!!! The Triplex Combo is a dream product for new and nursing mamas (of course, always consult with your doctor or pediatrician if you have concerns), BUT I took it my whole pregnancy and STILL am taking it while nursing! 

I swear these supplements are why I’m basically a milk cow this time around!!! Baby Jace is just 6 weeks old and I have a HUGE stash already! 

This was not my story with my first baby. Granted I had no idea what I was doing, but then again do we ever know exactly what we’re doing?!  I wasn’t on these supplements though, I do know that! 

Know any mamas who deal with these issues?

  1. Hormone balance- this combination of products gently restores balance to your body by providing it with healthy bacteria to get your insides working optimally again! Good bacteria protect you from illness, help you digest, and help you absorb nutrients. That means more nutrients go to YOU and to your BABY (instead of into the toilet)! Gut health also has a noted effect on hormone and blood sugar balance. After all, insulin is the precursor to all other hormones, including prolactin!

  2. Bathroom relief- my fellow mamas KNOW: that first PPP (post partum poop) is nothing short of terrifying! And it does not help when pain medication has potentially made for extra struggles. Biocleanse is the gentlest non-food option out there for relieving bathroom issues. And it has the added bonus of relieving muscle tension, oxygenating the body, and increasing collagen production!

  3. Energy levels. Like for REAL, there is something to be said for the gentle, stimulant-free energy that comes from superstars, alpha lipoic and chlorogenic acid (found in my pink drink)! From essential minerals to plant based ingredients found in food (think beet root extract), Slim provides the best in balance!

  4. Sleep- Balanced blood sugar and a healthy gut have a remarkable impact on sleep patterns. Before starting the Triplex, I would wake up to feed my infant son in the night and then lie awake up to an hour trying to fall back asleep! No more! I was able to maximize the windows of time when my kids bless me with sleep. 

  5. Cravings and weight management – Late nights and stress add up to big time cravings and crashes. The ingredients in the pink drink and ProBio5 are proven to level out the peaks and valleys in our blood sugar and keep the body on a more even-keel course. This helps give us willpower over cravings and it helps us recognize when our food contains too much added sugar. Sugar does not do the body any favors- it only weakens our immune system and makes us feel sluggish.

    Hear me say: Your postpartum body is beautiful- whether you ever get back to your pre baby weight or not! And ample calorie intake is a must when breastfeeding. But it certainly helps when your body craves healthy calories and you aren’t sabotaging your health with cookie binges and midnight ice cream parties.

  6. Gut Health - Good bacteria help you maintain a vibrant immune system and gut microbiome. You pass good bacteria onto your baby via breastmilk, thereby strengthening baby's immunity as well as yours! And replenishing good bacteria becomes especially important if you or baby had to be treated with antibiotics before, during, or after delivery!"

    - with Hannah Hamner