Plexus started out as just a weight loss goal for myself, and a way to keep my husband as healthy as possible for as long as possible. We have both been considered “bigger people” in the weight category, and I truly thought if I could find something that worked for me, he would get on board and believe in these products like I did.

I have been a teacher for ten years. I’ve always struggled with my health and weight loss. One day I was just fed up and frustrated with no where else to turn. I had been to the doctor and was told that I would need to be on an anabiotic for the rest of my life because they had no answers for me either. Later that week I saw a Facebook post about plexus from an old friend. I was struggling so much I had to try just one more thing!! We had seriously tried just about everything. At the time, I had no idea about all the different things Plexus could do. I even hid it from my husband for the first three months until he noticed differences in my body shape and attitude!! (Ask him, he will tell you!) He was suuuper mad when he first found out so I don’t recommend that!! The thing is, before he found out what I was doing, he had started mentioning off hand that my back-fat (seriously...) had started to diminish and he could tell because I “felt” different. And he could also tell I also had more energy consistently thought the day.

Since 4 years ago when we started Plexus, my husband and I have stopped the yo-yo diets and have gotten down to the root of our issues!! I personally have lost about 40 pounds, my husband about 70, the slow and steady gut health way! Now my health has really changed for the better, I haven’t paid a co-pay in over two years, and I’m making some extra money helping others get healthy too. Something a teacher like me never thought possible!!We continue to share this journey with our friends and family and helping others find the need for gut health related issues!