Every day, men and women use a variety of chemicals on the skin. From fighting acne to moisturizing and makeup, many chemicals are placed on the skin and into the body on a daily basis. Most people do not give a second though to what is being used, but one should. The skin is very absorbent and will incorporate the chemicals directly within the bloodstream. While we all think using such chemicals are helpful, they are actually causing more harm than good.

Some products contain toxins that are poisoning to the body and if you have a skin condition, it may only become worse. If you have such conditions as acne, psoriasis, rosacea or eczema, you know the issue is already frustrating. Having the condition worsen only leads to more issues and frustration.

Thankfully, there is a solution to clearer, healthier skin. Surprisingly, it involves the gut. You have most likely heard of gut microbiome, but if not, it is important to learn more about it. Microorganisms that are living in your gut are currently part of an important medical discovery.

The gut microbiome communicates with the skin involving the gut-skin axis. This directly affects your appearance via the skin. Scientists have discovered that communication takes place with the immune system, brain and skin. The microbes mediate the communication, influencing the appearance of your skin.

With the gut, it has been discovered that the underlying cause of most disease is inflammation of the gut. A major cause of inflammation is oxidative stress. Tissue lipid levels, glycemic control, neuropeptide levels, pathogenic bacteria and mood regulating neurotransmitters all play a role in the communication of the gut.

Skin conditions have been found to be associated with anxiety and depression. Skin conditions can make you feel self-conscious as well as affect how you feel from the inside via the gut microbiome. The skin and the gut have common traits because they both protect you, have microbiomes that communicate with each other and have mast cells.

Why Skin Products Don’t Work

If you have a skin condition and have used various products in an effort to find relief to no avail, the gut is the answer. Doctors often prescribe creams and other topical options to try and alleviate a skin condition, but often times it doesn’t work, or it's just masking an underlying leaky gut.

Doctors who know about the gut connection may try an acne probiotic, but this doesn’t work as well, though it might temporarily. Skin creams do not work because they are working on the problem on the outside instead of on the inside. Acne probiotics do not work because they only contain small amounts of microbial strains.

The gut has more than 8,000 strains of bacteria and other microbes. When you introduce small strains, the impact will be minimal. If you want to have a huge impact on your overall skin condition, your gut needs to be reviewed.

Several conditions have been connected to gut health and include:

  • Acne vulgaris
  • Alopecia
  • Cystic acne
  • Eczema
  • Dandruff
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Rosacea
  • And more

Each condition is affected by the gut in a certain manner and must be treated correctly. Take for example acne. When you have high levels of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and E. coli LPS in your body, you can have a leaky gut. This means that bacteria will be able to enter the bloodstream and then create problems, such as acne.

The internal problem needs to be fixed so that the skin can clear up and heal. But most people do not understand or know about the gut-skin axis connection.

If you have any of these skin condtions, you probably have a leaky gut. Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to see what options are available to heal your gut and clear up your skin.