Who is wholesale pricing NOT for?

Wholesale pricing is NOT for people who are "just trying it out" or are not ready to fully commit to their health. 

And that's ok!  If you're not all-in, you can still order as a preferred customer AND GET A DISCOUNT simply by following this link to the Plexus website, adding products to your cart, and checking out.  It's that easy! 

You get your products to try before you go all-in and you can upgrade your account when you are in love with the products and results!

Subscribe & Buy As A Preferred Customer



IF YOU ARE READY to commit to your health, then wholesale pricing is for you!

If you're looking to committ to your health for an absolute minimum of 3 to 6 months and your order value is over $100 (Triplex meets this requirement),  then you would benefit from whole sale pricing!

Simply follow these steps and you'll be on your way:

  1. Click the "Enroll Today & Get Wholesale Pricing" button below.

  2. Then click the "Get Started" button. Fill out all your info & choose your Welcome pack.
    • When filling out your info, your SSN is required.  The reason for SSN is because you will get a commission on products you order and the IRS requires Plexus to report it for tax purposes.  So not only do you get the discounted price on your products, as long as you're ordering over $100 PV, you also recieve 15% cash back on ALL of your plexus purchases! 

      How AWESOME is that!!! Triplex just went from $149.95 down to $104.95!!!

  3. Create your website. We suggest using your name!
    • This is for future should you share Plexus with friends and family and they want to sign up, no pressure ever, love that about Plexus!

  4. When it asks to agree to terms of subscription-click that only if you want to get the triplex ordered on a monthly basis!
    • Remember, you're committing to a minimum of 3 months to see the best changes, most people see it sooner.  You'll want to make sure you get your products on time every month so that you can stay consistant and not have to start over!

  5. On the payment page put in any promo codes that you got from us.  Contact us using the button at the bottom of this page to see if there are any current promotions.

Enroll Today & Get Wholesale Pricing